Mold Inspection for Home and Business
A mold inspection is a critical component to any home inspection or commercial property inspection. Green Scene Home Inspections is proud to be able to offer this valuable service to our customers. We can conduct a Preliminary Mold Screen as part of your Standard Home Inspection, or come out at a later date/time to conduct the screen independently. This economical option for mold testing is a great first step to take when you have concerns about this important safety issue.

The Preliminary Mold Screen consists of the following:
Evaluation of a limited area of concern as expressed by the customer (or at the recommendation of the Home Inspector) conducted by Texas Licensed Mold personnel through our relationship with a Licensed Mold Consulting company.
A physical examination of the potentially affected area(s), approximately 30 minutes.
Representative air sampling (indoor and outdoor) for possible fungal contaminants.
Representative surface sampling of any suspect fungal material.
Submission of samples to a Texas Licensed Mold Laboratory for analysis.
A copy of the written lab report, delivered to the customer within 48 hours of services performed. Provides information on what, if any, mold type(s) are present on the surface and at what level (spores per cubic meter) they are present in the air.
Telephone consultation with the customer to explain findings and provide guidance onany further steps suggested.
The Preliminary Mold Screen DOES NOT include:
​Intrusion into inaccessible areas, such as behind walls, under carpeting, etc. for testing.
ï‚· Any guarantees that mold does or does not exist at the given property at the precise time of the inspection or the future.
ï‚· A full assessment report with photos, drawings, conclusions or remediation recommendations. (If a service such as this is desired – cost is closer to the $1000- $1500 range - please let us know and we can arrange, but this is not the under the scope of the Preliminary Mold Screen).
ï‚· A warranty or guaranty. It is understood that the INSPECTION COMPANY and the laboratory are not insurers, and that the inspection, laboratory analysis and report shall not be construed as a guarantee or warranty of any kind.
Here is some additional information/links about Mold if you are interested. You can book this
service as part of your home inspection, or simply book this service alone by clicking below.