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Frequently Asked Questions
We don’t do radon testing, lead based paint testing, or building code inspections.
“What is a crawlspace?” Not only does inspection of the crawl space impact the evaluation of some of the foundation components, it also impacts elements of plumbing fixtures (including leaks into the crawl space), electrical, gas systems, and HVAC systems can also be found down there. In older homes with this construction type, many times the culprit for any number of issues found inside the house can be traced to some deficiency found in the crawl space, which many homeowners tend to ignore or neglect due to the unpleasant task of going under the house!
“Are sprinklers included in the standard inspection?” No, they are a separate service.
“Are fences included in the standard inspection?” No but fences near the house are conducive conditions for wood destroying insects and could be considered a deficiency.
“When can I expect the report?” No later than noon the next day. If you’re up against an option period, please let us know and we will inform your inspector.
"Do you provide a summary page at the end of the report?"
“Do I have to be there for the inspection?” It is not required to be there for any part of the inspection. If you are interested in attending, we recommend that you attend the review with the inspector at the end so he can focus on the highly detailed process of our inspection.
“How long does the inspection take?” Every inspection is different depending on the size of the home, age of the home and services requested. Our typical time range for inspections is somewhere between 2-4 hours.
“When do I arrive for the inspection? Am I required to be there?” It isn’t required for anybody to be present at the inspection but if you are interested in attending any part of the inspection, we recommend coming towards the end of the inspection which our inspectors will notify you the time of ahead of time.
“Do you inspect septic systems?” We can inspect aerobic septic systems but not traditional septic. Traditional systems are in the ground and aerobic systems use oxygen to operate so it is partially above ground which would allow us to inspect it.
“Is termite included in the inspection?” Our standard inspection includes looking for conducive conditions for termites. Our extra termite service helps verify that there is termite damage or previous activity of termites while providing an extra 5-page report.
“Is the video an extra charge?” No, the video is complimentary with every inspection we offer!
“What areas do you serve?” We serve the DFW Metroplex area. We have maps of our normal coverage areas on the About Us tab on our website. If your inspection is outside the normal coverage area, give our office a call and we will try to get you covered!