Don't Roast Your Chestnuts in an Unsafe Fireplace
In North Texas, we hardly ever have a chance to use our fireplaces. But when temperatures drop to 30-40 degrees outside, we eagerly...

Crawl Spaces Aren't So Scary
A new home buyer can be in the honeymoon phase of their home-buying experience – until the dreaded home inspector arrives! At Green Scene...

Buying a Home: You Need More Than Luck
If you're buying a home in the Dallas- Fort Worth Metroplex this year, you do need a fair amount of luck to find the right house in the...

More Common Home Inspection Problems
A home inspector's eye is helpful whether you're buying a home, selling a home or maintaining the home you have. Our inspectors take...

Shop Locally! Dallas Area Farmers Markets
There is almost no better way to celebrate the season than with fresh, seasonal food. The Dallas – Ft. Worth area has a number of great...

Home Inspection Video: a Tool for Homebuyers in a hot DFW Real Estate Market
The DFW real estate market is moving at a record pace, and people need tools to help make smart decisions when buying a home. Green Scene...